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Learn more about New Holy Trinity cogic



In the year of 1955, Elder N.L. Goldsberry went to Belltown Delaware to pastor a mission. In the same year he went to Millsboro De and started street services at Third Street and Riverview.  As members gathered and the weather grew chilly Deacon and Missionary Watson open the doors of their homes for prayer and church services. October1955, land was purchased from Mr. Harley P White, and on November 22, 1955 we had ground breaking service to start building a church.



The last parcel of land was purchased next door to the present church.  In 1957, the congregation started building a church .  The name of the church submitted by Missionary Goldsberry, the pastor's wife, was Holy Trinity Church of God in Christ.  Many people in the community labored to build this church, and in 1957, we moved into Holy Trinity Church.  Most of the officials had been selected.  Our Pastor was N. L. Goldsberry with Asst. Pastor Elder George Snow.  The membership grew and progress in the lord continued.
As time passed our Pastor's health began to fail, and March 22, 1980 the Lord called him home. 



In July 1980 Bishop L. T. Blackshear, Pastor; Elder Snow, Asst. Pastor; other ministerial officials; and members decided to finish Elder Goldsberry's dream of a new church. Ground breaking was December 28, 1980.  A plan for the building was submitted by Bishop L. T. Blackshear and Mrs. Belinda Snow drew the blue prints.  The name of the new church submitted by the Pastor was New Holy Trinity Church of God in Christ.  Bishop Blackshear was general contractor, and the members, brethren, and many others donated their services, especially Dover Brother Elder George Fletcher, who was an excellent carpenter.  The sister's supported by providing food.  Everyone labored in a true Christian spirit and now the church is ready for the Lord's use.


We thank God for the former Pastor and Founder, and thank God for Bishop Blackshear, builder and contractor of our new church, and Pastor of New Holy Trinity, also our gratitude to Elder Snow, Asst. Pastor and members.

May God bless and keep you all.  We were proud of the dedication day-November 28, 1982

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